Country records lowest number of Covid-19 deaths in three months, says Zafar Mirza

Dr Zafar Mirza coronavirus quality diet water intake

ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on National Health Services Dr Zafar Mirza said that Pakistan recorded 20 Covid-19 deaths in the past 24 hours – the lowest number of fatalities in the last three months, ARY News reported on Monday.

“Today, Alhamdolilah, we have the lowest number of deaths in Pakistan due to COVID-19 in last 3 months. We had a peak of 153 deaths on 20 June and in last 24 hours we had 20,” he said in a Tweet.

He further stated that it was a “87% reduction” in COVID-19 related deaths, but warned that there was no room for “complacency”.

“This is a 87% reduction in COVID-19 related deaths. Yet no place for any complacency!”, he added.

Dr Zafar Mirza yesterday had advised COVID-19 sufferers to pay special attention to their nutrients and daily consumption of water.

Dr Zafar Mirza, while talking to ARY News programme ‘Sawal Yeh Hai’, said that 237,000 people have recovered from the virus in Pakistan.

Elaborating his own experience after being tested positive, Dr Zafar Mirza said that he has isolated himself over the advice of doctors.

“People should focus on the quality of nutrients instead of quantity. I am also a doctor but I hadn’t taken any medicine without consulting other doctors.”

The special assistant on health warned that a coronavirus patient recovered from the virus could get infected again

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