Foolproof security measures adopted for mourning processions in Karachi

KARACHI: Rangers claimed to have taken all-out measures to ensure security for the mourning processions to be taken out in the city on Saturday (today), ARY News reported. 

According to a spokesperson for rangers, foolproof security measures have been made for the main procession of 9th Muharram. He said that all connecting streets would be sealed and Rangers personnel would be deployed along the route of the main procession.

Snipers would be deployed on the rooftops along the route of the mourning procession, the spokesperson added.

Read More: 9th of Muharram being observed today

The 9th of Muharram is being observed across the country today (Saturday) with due solemnity and sanctity to pay homage to the sacrifices of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and his companions in Karbala.

In this connection, mourning processions will be taken out in various parts of the country. Ulema and Zakireen will throw light on the teachings of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and his great companions in their majalis. Elaborate arrangements have been made across the country for the security of the mourning processions and majalis.

Special traffic plans had also been issued across the country to ensure uninterrupted traffic flow.


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