Men steal computers, generator from Karachi school

computers generator steal Karachi

KARACHI: Unidentified men stole seven computers and other equipment from a private school in Karachi’s Clifton, in the wee hours of Sunday night, ARY News reported. 

The robbers also beat up the guard of the school namely Amjad son of Ghulam Nabi, aged 35, when he tried to stop them and made him hostage in the classroom. The robbers took away seven computers, an air conditioner, and a generator.

The guard of the school was shifted to the JPMC.

The suspects managed to flee with the equipment from the school. Meanwhile, the school administration has forwarded an application to lodge the case of the incident.

In a separate incident of the same in nature, a group of unknown men, who were robbing Jhang’s government school in Malahwala during the coronavirus lockdown, last year, was busted.

According to the headmaster, when they reached the school on the first day it had reopened, the lock on the front door was broken.

“A number of computers, CPUs and LCDs were missing from the labs,” he had said, adding that the robberies had been taking place ever since a lockdown was imposed.

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