Police arrest two accused involved in illegal vaccination

KARACHI: South District Police has arrested two accused involved in illegal Covid-19 vaccination, citing police ARY News reported on Monday.

The director of a health services providing company and an employee have been arrested in a sting operation of the Preedy Police, an official said.

“The accused have confessed that they used to visit homes and administer Pfizer and other coronavirus vaccines to people for cash,” according to police.

“We were charging 15,000 rupees for per dose of Pfizer vaccine,” accused told police. The accused were providing per dose of Sinopharm vaccine for 7,660 rupees and Cansino vaccine for Rs. 4,500, police said.

“We have administered vaccines to more than 60 persons till now,” the accused told police.

“Four government officials have also been involved with us,” accused confessed.

“The police searching for the accused providing stolen vaccine doses to arrested men,” officials said.

An investigation has been launched after filing the case, according to police.

Amid surge in Delta variant of coronavirus cases, the government is striving hard to ensure vaccine procurement and vaccination of maximum population of the country.

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